Wednesday, February 24, 2016

StormTrooper and Terminator "Just Dancing"

Maybe they are just dancing...

In a rare moment of napkin interest recently, the napkin recipients' father, also known as my spouse, suggested that there was a lack of Stormtrooper meets Terminator imagery out there in pop culture. After a brief google search, I can report that this does indeed seem to be the case. There are a few "Who would win?" sort of discussions and one video mash-up of Arnold vs. a Stormtrooper, but this does seem to be a slightly underexplored combination out there in internet land.

As the Storm Troopers in the Star Wars movies are always so terribly inept, it did not seem like a very fair contest to me, so I tried to come up with some other activity the two characters could share besides combat.

Last evening the boys and I were having one of our frequent and unproductive "how can you get more exercise while still playing video games for every possible waking moment of the day?" conversations, during which my older son resorted to proposing that we try "Just Dance" on the Xbox One. I suspect that he was just strategically humoring his mother's obsession with health and exercise and was not really serious. I think this because he then immediately pointed out that "Just Dance" was not really a good idea because the game would require buying a Kinect which would then spy on us in our living room.  (There's a whole other amusing topic!) I notice today when I looked "Just Dance" up for this post that this game can be playing with a just smart phone....

But, unfortunately, I am still in favor of not playing video games all day and instead exercising away from the Xbox.

While I was thinking about dancing games last night, however, I drew the trooper and T-800 "busting some moves." Since that phrase, according to Wiktionary,  is presently mostly outdated and now can mean anything from flatulence to seduction to attack, perhaps their ambiguous postures are just as well.....

Or maybe it's just my poor drawing....

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