Monday, December 21, 2015

Princess and Dinosaur Birthday Cake

We were honored to have one of our napkins reproduced on a birthday cake. The birthday child's dad emailed to let me know that they had Googled "princess riding a dinosaur" and found the Leia T-Rex napkin.

As the aging feminist mother of two mostly unappreciative boys, I am always pleased to discover that there is a female audience for any of the napkin imagery. Leila on the T-Rex was part of the "Star Wars rides Dinosaurs" series, or else she might not have made the napkin cut with my son.

While my younger son is actually quite interested in female characters in tv and movies (particularly attractive ones of course) he rarely wanted to take an image of one to school on a napkin...because ironically, manly 8 year old boys don't like girls, or at least don't admit it to their friends.

But I am glad that a three year old girl can enjoy this one- and to know that the image comes up early in a Google search for "princess riding a dinosaur."

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