Sunday, November 10, 2013

Waddles and Mabel Wish Scarlett Happy Birthday

A birthday napkin for the 11th birthday of a child of a friend from high school:

Unlike my sons, the child in question reportedly was pleased by her representation on the napkin.  Her mom caught me at a slightly less psychotically busy moment a while back when we were heading into a long holiday weekend and I thought I might actually have time to do an extra napkin.

Now, I have the nagging feeling that I should be doing napkins for all of my friends' children... and for all the other people who asked nicely after our strange TV appearances earlier this year.

I have not really been able to get my mind around the commission question yet.  These things are napkins, after all.  They are... to put it charitably, not archival... not really a sell-able artwork.  But they can be time consuming, and certainly could be in a commission context. My kids are often dissatisfied with the results, but they are not paying me...And  I almost enjoy their criticism.  In short, I have trouble imagining a price that would be both reasonable for the commissioner and for me, the person who is already getting less than 5 hours of sleep a night... and who has to pay New York City babysitting rates to get anything beside the bare minimum accomplished.... and then there is also that teaching job and my erstwhile career as a sculptor to consider...

But it was nice to get a chance to draw something with a bit of girl aesthetic for a change...or at least without any weapons.

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